Motivational Story - ABC's of Life

Greetings! For this piece, I am going to talk to you about the ABC’s of Life --- they are the very beginnings of the Alphabet you first learned as a child and now these same letters formed into words will ultimately be what propels your career and helps you achieve your Dreams! Your ABC'S of today stand for ATTITUDE + BELIEF + CONFIDENCE!

The ABC's are what sets you apart in any sport. Take my Baseball analogy as an example. 

.... Batting first, it’s “Attitude”. The perfect leadoff hitter. The guy that will stand in there and take whatever pitch (life throws at him) and finds a way to get on base. Next up is “Belief”. He’s the one that knows he might have a few shortcomings but what athlete doesn’t? He is the person that has never doubted his skills no matter the competition. He will not let anyone from the outside world define him (be it labeling from pro scouts or negative social media chatter) other than what he feeds to himself and that’s positive energy. Up third, the Big Bat. That is “Confidence”. The man that will move his teammates from one base-to-another. How? He has the 'Attitude' that always 'Believes' in Himself that gives him the 'Confidence' to consistently produce in any situation! He wants and demands to be put in the ‘Big Spot’ every single game.

The next inning, my hitters will be D, E and F. The names on the back of their Jerseys says "Determination", "Effort" and "Faith". You also need them to pull through and never give up no matter what roadblocks come their way in any game?

My final three are just as important. The players that find a way to get the job done. The ones that every team will find a spot for in their lineup. Meet G, H and I. Scouts love them! They watch every team and break down film to find these qualities in every one of their prospects. Meet "Gamer", "Heady" and "Intangibles". The table setters. 

If you have many or all of these pieces and apply them consistently to your game, there's no doubt you will punch a ticket to the Big Leagues one day! 

Jim Loria


“Confidence is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony” – stated by Mahatma Gahndi, one of the most recognized and historic figures of the 20th century and considered today as the 'Father of the Country of India'


"In the confrontation between the Stream and the Rock, the Stream always Wins - not by Strength but by Perseverance" - stated by H. Jackson Brown, author of inspirational books



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