Motivational Story - Protect Your Brand
Greetings! I wanted to bring to your attention as a friendly reminder that in today's climate, an athlete can lose their ability to play just by using poor language or posting an inappropriate photo on their social media pages.
For example, a Junior Hockey League in Canada suspended one of its players for the rest of the 2020 season over a Social Media Video using poor language.
Never forget the human element and how much you can either up your Value as a Prospect or possibly lose Millions and a Career altogether by one foolish post.
You are the CEO of your BRAND and IMAGE you wish to portray at this point in your career? How you write, what you say, what photos you permit to be seen (and situations you’re seen in) on social media sites can be viewed by the professional sports leagues and unfortunately many are showing their fan bases that they will not put up with any type of public outburst or defiance from a player.
In today's world, your Social Media pages can make a pro sports team look at you with the thought: "Do I invest in this person or not" even though they feel you possibly have the talent to play at the next level?
ALWAYS REMEMBER: “Do something now that will make the person you'll be tomorrow proud to have been the person you are today” – stated by unknown author
Jim Loria
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