Motivational Story - Be The Doer of the Word

For this piece, I want to share with you some words that really hit home to me. They were actually spoken by a Priest at a Mass my wife and I recently attended.

I feel the meaning of these words truly do have much impact in all that an athlete does on a day-to-day basis and with the reputation he or she establishes with their coaches, friends and family - today and throughout the future.

These words came at me while seated in a church during a Homily where this particular Priest was very motivational in his delivery as he preached about "BEING DOERS OF THE WORD AND NOT HEARERS ONLY.

It was religious in nature as you’d imagine but there was much an athlete of any competitive level should take from those spoken words. One of the points in the talk that forced me to reach down to my pocket for a post-it note & pen so I wouldn't forget them came just after the Priest stated to his congregation that "He who is no 'Hearer who Forgets' but a 'Doer who Acts', will be Blessed in his doing."

Words that you truly want associated with your name when a coach begins to evaluate your contributions toward team success each year.

Here are a couple of relevant quotes I've added for this piece taken from Tony Robbins, one of the world’s top life and business strategists.

“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”

“It’s what you practice in private that you’ll be rewarded for in public.”

Jim Loria


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